Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Outdoor Adventures of Squeet and Her Untrustworthy Sidekick, Pip. The Firewood Pile Noise Mystery, Part 3

The first hole gave up no new clues. The second hole needed to start immediately before the noise could escape. I was confident that this mystery could be solved. Pip was still gone and master went to look for her, so no one would interfere. The first hole left me a little winded and unable to see or hear clearly because of the mud mashed into my face but I still had confidence. So I went after the second hole with a real get’er done attitude. Again the mud was flying and I was a good foot or so into it when all of a sudden I felt a cold nose touch my butt. No it wasn’t master, it was Pip, she came back and wanted to take over the hole. No way, I growled, you’re not going to steal my thunder, this is my mystery. But the little pest wouldn’t quit, she kept jumping on my back and jamming her body in the hole next to me. There wasn’t enough room for the both of us so I generously backed out. I couldn’t see or hear and I needed a break anyway.

While Pip continued work on the second hole I headed down to the fishing hole for a quick dip to get rinsed off. Swimming is one of my favorite pass times and belly flops are my specialty. Good elevation is the key to a successful belly flop. I needed to get up some speed and really throw myself into the air. I backed up on the beach and burst into full speed and had a perfect lift off. Just at the highest point of elevation I heard some mumbling. Yep you guessed it, its master, he’s back and seemed to be very disappointed with me. I’m not sure why, I was only doing cannon balls in the fishing hole, what’s wrong with that?

After a quick shaking off and while giving master a wide berth, I decided to see how Pip was doing with the excavation. Strolling up to the hole I looked in. Pip was nowhere to be seen, she was gone again! How was this mystery ever going to be solved with slackers like her for help?

To be continued next week, same time, same channel.

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