Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Outdoor Adventures of Squeet and Her Untrustworthy Sidekick Pip. The Firewood Pile Noise Mystery, Part 1

Squeet and Pip

Today I decided to take Pip and our master fishing for walleyes. To get to the fishing spot we had to walk through terrifying trails covered with mud and wet grass touching me everywhere and getting my belly dirty. The master rode a 4 wheeler and just laughed at me when I asked for a ride. Anyway, after 5 excruciatingly painful minutes we all safely arrived.

Master casted in fishing lines, I wanted to help but he wouldn’t let me. He said I needed thumbs and I would just eat the bait. Well excuse me but I was born without thumbs and happen to love eating minnows. The master and I, not Pip, patiently waited for a fish to bite.  Pip just stared at the master hoping to go back home to her couch. We waited for almost 15 whole minutes and nothing bit. I concluded that they probably never will, so I better check for other activities. I saw the master doing something so I headed there.
Pip the couch potato

The master was stacking firewood by the fishing hole. Suddenly a noise came from under the pile. It was a loud noise similar to a lion, tiger or bear, oh no! For some reason I was the only one who could hear it. Further investigation was needed as it might mean the end of the world as we know it.  I searched the pile carefully and methodically from end to end and top to bottom many times but found nothing, so I looked to master and Pip for help. All master did was laugh at me and Pip was gone, I think she got scared or maybe bored and was already half way back home. I could see that this was a mystery I was going to have to solve by myself.
The mystery begins

To be continued next week, same time, same channel.

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